Colegiul Economic "Ion Ghica"

Târgovişte – 470619

About us – EN




School Mission

Making an honor from its mission as an European School and its tradition of general and professional training in the Services Domain, Economic College “Ion Ghica” High school dedicates itself to the personal and professional training of students in real conditions of quality of the educational process, making it possible for real chances of socio-professional integration and long life learning.

The school’s profile

·Settled in 1923 as an “Elementary trade school for boys”

·Priority domain of professional training: SERVICES.

·School population: an average of 1000 students/year on three educational levels.

·School personnel: 70 teachers, 15 administrative personnel staff.

·Material resources: 2 building items; IT and office equipment; specialized didactic equipment.

·Financial support: State financing and extra budget sources.

·Economic College “Ion Ghica” High school is:

ØAn European School

ØResources Centre in the PHARE PROJECT RO 2001-2003.

ØContinuous Professional Training Supplier – 12 qualifications in the “Services Domain”

ØECDL Evaluation Centre with accreditation.

ØSupport Centre for Long Distance Learning

ØTraining Firms.

Training fields on education levels – School year 2011-2012 (43 classes)

Daily High school Learning – direct route, grades IX-XII



Economic activities technician

Technician in administration –- Contracts and acquisition technician

Tourism technician

Night High school Learning – direct route, grades IX-XIII



Economic activities technician

Vocational training school, grades IX-X

Field preparation/Qualification:


Trade worker

Tourism and alimentation

oHotel worker

oAlimentation worker

Completion year, IX-th grade

Field preparation/Qualification:


Receptionist – dispenser

Tourism and alimentation

Waiter, salesman in alimentation units

Superior cycle for high school, progressive route, grades XII-XIII



Banqueting organizer

Gastronomy technician

Post high school learning – first year


Mountain agro tourism activities technician

Experience in Project Development: Phare projects, Leonardo, Socrates, Junior Achievement, Educational programs for students and parents, partnerships with schools from Romania and EU.

Prizes obtained at the training firm fairs: Prague, Zagreb, Plovdiv, Salzburg, Timisoara, Bratislava.

Quality assurance

Our college started to develop the quality management in the year 2003.

Followed steps in Quality Assurance:

·Establishment of the Quality Assurance (QA) Commission

·Analysis of the QA Manual

·Elaboration of the QA Plan

·Inclusion of the QA Plan

·Planning and programming: identification – vision, mission, objective; tasks and responsibilities – staff and students; students in the Quality Commission, Students’ Council, Administration Board; internal and external communication; monitoring, collaboration and direct support – partners; feedback, reporting, analysis, correction, evidence check;


The teaching-learning process:

oStudents: understanding of the QA process; information, initiation, learning support; learning methods based on the student needs; PC and multimedia-assisted learning; team working, competitions, performance; evaluation portfolios;

oTeacher: involvement in the QA process; top-down training; specific work and work with students groups; development of didactic materials in cooperation with the students and their use; formative evaluations, progress records; internal and external PC and AEL software training; PC and multimedia-assisted lessons; specialized software, education software;

·Evaluation and certification: summative evaluation and certification methodologies (students, families); individual evaluation portfolios (School of Art and Trades (SAT) – competences, modules); practical training at the workplace evaluation records; internal and external evaluators (partners, other schools);

·Evaluation and improvement: Feedback, self-evaluation, assessment; Correction and improvement;

·Support through Phare TVET programme: training courses for teachers and managers; document and methodological support; provision of resources for education and training;

·Future action areas:

oDidactic programming from the perspective of: inclusive, student-centered education; the compliance with the quality principles;

oImplementation of the QA actions: information dissemination and the transfer of competences;

oProgrammes of collaboration with local and external partners: School authorized as CVT

Anul de debut Tipul actiunii Numarul de contract Titlul proiectului
2013 Leonardo da Vinci Mobilitati LLP-LdV/VETPRO/2013/RO/233 Transferul de practici inovative din domeniul asigurării calității în VET
2013 Leonardo da Vinci Mobilitati LLP-LdV/VETPRO/2013/RO/073 Dimensiunea europeană a competențelor profesioniștilor din învățământul profesional și tehnic necesare desfășurării activității de consiliere și orientare în carieră pentru elevi
2012 Leonardo da Vinci Networks 527838-LLP-1-2012-1-SK-LEONARDO-LNW EU.EM.NET: European systematicapproach for employers’ engagement toanticipate skills requirements andsupport quality assurance (QA) in VET
2012 Leonardo da Vinci – Parteneriat LLPLdV/PAR/2012/RO/028  Bridge the Gap
2012 GrundtvigParteneriat pentru învățare GRU-12-P-LP-442-DB-IT  Learn to learning by teaching
2011 Leonardo da Vinci Mobilitati LLP-LdV/VETPRO/2011/RO/121  ”Cresterea calitatii pregatirii initiale a elevilor prin dezvoltarea parteneriatului SCOALA-AGENT ECONOMIC”
2011 Comenius Regio 11-PR-24-DB-RO Voluntary Service for a Better Life
2011 POSDRU POSDRU/57/1.3/S/33440  Formarea cadrelor didactice din învățământul profesional și tehnic-profil SERVICII, pentru extinderea metodei moderne interactive de învățare firmă de exercițiu
2010 POSDRU nr. 90/2.1/S/ 62215 Parteneriat activ pentru o integrare reusită pe piața muncii
2010 Comenius 10-PM-449-DB-DE LebensWert (Werte in meinemLeben – Europas Jugend im Dialog)
2008 Comenius 08-PM-528-DB-AT Key Skills Portfolio
2008 Leonardo da Vinci 2008-1-FR1_EOO5-01434 Euro Trans Log
2008 Phare 2005-Human resources 017-553. The quality of Romanian tourism
2008 Phare 2005-Human resources 017-553. Conexiuni
2008 Grundtvig 08-GRU-P-LP-27-DB-IT “Adult education: E-learning, Web2 and andragogy
to enhance education outcomes transnational cooperation”
2007 Phare 2004- Human resources 016-772. Human resources development
2007 Phare 2004-Human resources 016-772. Continuous pros professional labor market
2006 Leonardo da Vinci DG EAC/31.08 European assistant M Enterprises
2005 Leonardo da Vinci RO/2003/91 The European dimension of the public administration trainees
2005 Comenius 05-PL-72-DB-FR Unis dans la difference

Projects – EN – 2007-2008




Calea Domneasca, Nr.223, Târgovişte, Dâmboviţa Tel:+40 372/ 716576, Fax: +40 245 217 687 e-mail: